Saturday, April 24, 2010

Storm at Palo Duro Canyon

A storm is comming to Palo Duro Canyon. One night I was camping there there was a flash flood that trapped some campers on the other side of high water.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Stone Sits At Top of Red Clay Pillar

In Palo Duro Canyon stones sitting on top of pillers of clay soil show evidence of centuries of errosion and layers of soil. Typical of the southwest landscape. Palo Duro Canyon is just south of Amarillo, Texas and is reported to be the second deepest canyon in the United States.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Palo Duro Canyon

This is a photo from Palo Duro Canyon east of Canyon, Texas. Palo Duro Canyon is popular for hiking and cycling. The read clay soil is great for photographing. I did the trail to the lighthouse.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Electrical Infrastructure

This photo was taken in the West Bottoms of Kansas City near 12th Street. I find electrical infrastructure interesting. I may convert this photo to black and white.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Smoke Stack Bar-B-Q

The idle smoke stacks of the old Smokestack Bar-B-Q on 71 Highway in Kansas City sit idle today, but make a good object to photograph. We are having beautiful spring days now as evidenced by the sun on the smoke stacks.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Kansas City West Bottoms

This week I have photographed in the west bottoms of Kansas City Missouri. There are many interesting old buildings and infrastructure that provide opportunities for interesting photographs. I am moving my studio to the Livestock Exchange Building on Genessee. It's a wonderfull building with a lot of history. Suite 804 has a south view and overlooks Kemper. There are a number of artists who have studios in the Livestock Exchange Building and a growing number of artists who are locating in the West Bottoms.